Pitchbending Technology Accordions, Button Boxes, Concertinas, Bandoneons, free reed keyed instruments --------> RETROFITS <--------
All Acoustic Technology
Welcome to our home page for the BluesBox - the world's only acoustic pitch bending accordion/free-reed technology.Now for the first time since the invention of Western keyed free reed musical instruments - over a hundredand fifty years ago - BluesBox patented technology allows the musician to acoustically pitch bend by manipulation of any key of the instrument, producing infinitesimal gradations of pitch, as quickly and as precisely as desired.
Our technology is not yet commercially available; however, we are interested in working with accomplished musicians as a way to introduce this technology into the marketplace, enhance musical expression for the musician, and have some fun along the way. Our first web page appeared in 1996, and since then, we have developed several prototypes, some of whichare pictured below, and some of which were used to make videos and recordings that can be accessed through the links below.
Questions? Email me.
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Pioneering Experiments
Blues1: The very first experimental recording on the very first prototype, by yours truly, recorded straight into a microphone, giving a very acoustic, reedy sound.
Acoustic blues with vocal: My rendition of "In the Evening," by Charles Brown, recorded with the same prototype and recording method as in Blues 1.
Accordion with under-the-grille mics. A ballsier sound with some very interesting pitch bending effects, freely explored as they are discovered:
- Anniversary Waltz - some very first discoveries on an old tune
- Two Guitars - another classic with minor passages
- Ad lib experiments - I let myself roam
- Bluesy romp: - blues are hard to avoid with such an instrument
- Faster blues - ditto
- Back to minor tunes - why not try again
- Funky bluesy again - high register and low resister, more dynamics
- Fried Pies, with punch - Clifton might like thls
- Dynamic end - bend as fast as you can
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Videos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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